Exodus & Bowhunting Ohio Whitetails Hunt Giveaway
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Exodus and Bowhunting Ohio Whitetails have teamed up to give away a killer bow hunting package to one lucky, die hard, DIY archery hunter looking for some cool new gear and an awesome hunting opportunity on an ultra-low pressure Ohio farm managed for trophy whitetails.

One lucky DIY bowhunter is going to win a 5 day DIY archery rut hunt in the land of the giants, southern Ohio. As well as an Exodus Cell Camera Package that includes THREE Exodus Renders and THREE Exodus SP18 external power sources. This is our biggest giveaway EVER with a prize total worth over $4,000!
Bowhunting Ohio Whitetails has a really unique model as far as outfitters go. They set up their hunts to specifically cater to DIY archery guys that don’t want all the fluff, just a killer piece of property all to themselves during that magical time of year, the rut in Ohio. This is a big deal because these guys will only run two other archery hunts during the rut season here, so you are getting a great slice of the pie!
This is 100% fair chase and 100% do-it-yourself hunting on a great farm that you know has not been and will not be worn out, and the winner of this giveaway will be the first to hunt it. The winner is also free to schedule a scouting trip throughout late summer where they can become familiar with the property, scout the best access points, set trail cameras, etc. Property location and suggested tree stand spots will be provided via OnX Hunts app.
Giveaway Package Includes:
- 5 day - DIY Archery Rut Hunt
- October 30-November 3
- Premium onsite lodging in a 5,000 sq. ft mini-mansion
- Exclusive access to hunt a 365 acre parcel in southern, Ohio, part of a 1400+ acre contiguous farm managed exclusively by BOW.
- Exodus Render Cell Camera Package of 3 Exodus Renders and 3 Exodus SP18's
This is a five-day hunt, show up and set stands Sunday, October 29, and hunt Monday through Friday, October 30-November 3. You’ll be the first hunter of the season to exclusively hunt this 365 acre parcel with a great mix of ag, woods, edges, and draws. This parcel is part of a bigger 1400+ acre contiguous farm, all managed for 130-inch minimum bucks, by B.O.W. This particular parcel has incredible hunter access to hunting areas from every direction imaginable, for any wind and weather condition. This parcel would normally hunt three guys, but you get it all to yourself.
You will be responsible for game retrieval and care. B.O.W. will help by providing their insights on the property and suggested stand locations.
This is an awesome opportunity to be the first hunter of the year on a super low pressured property. These hunts normally cost $2750 per hunter, and they run very few per year, so we are super lucky for them to offer up one of their weeks to our customers. Hunter is responsible for transportation, meals, game care, including retrieval and processing. Winner will be given direct contact to Ryan Springer of Bowhunting Ohio Whitetails within one week of notification to discuss the details of the hunt. ryan@bowhuntingohiowhitetails.com