Highest Scoring Net 8-Point Whitetail Deer Ever Harvested

Whitetail deer are among the most coveted trophies for hunters across North America, and within the most sought after big game species, the 8-point buck holds a special allure. By most scoring systems, 8-point whitetail deer simply have lesser measurement opportunities making big 8-pointers ultra rare and that much more special. Here, we rank the top 10 highest-scoring net 8-point whitetail deer ever harvested, celebrating both the hunters and the majesty of these incredible bucks! And we know....Nets are for fish.

Jason Sanders Buck

  • Score: 184 7/8 inches
  • Location: Illinois
  • Year: 2011
  • Details: Jason Sanders harvested this world-record 8-point buck using a Mossberg 500 shotgun. The buck grossed 192 3/8 inches before deductions, making it the largest net-scoring 8-point buck ever recorded by the Boone and Crockett Club​ (North American Whitetail)​.


 Vic Bulliner Buck

  • Score: 180 3/8 inches
  • Location: Michigan
  • Year: 2001
  • Details: Vic Bulliner's buck held the world record for a time, sharing it with the Vernon Winter buck. This Michigan giant was taken during firearm season and is celebrated for its massive tines and impressive mass​ (Wide Open Spaces)​.


 Vernon Winter Buck

  • Score: 180 3/8 inches
  • Location: South Dakota
  • Year: 1965
  • Details: Shot in the mid-1960s, this buck has been a benchmark in the hunting community for decades. Despite its age, the Vernon Winter buck remains one of the most iconic 8-pointers due to its outstanding symmetry and tine length​ (Wide Open Spaces)​.


 Mike Kemble Buck

  • Score: 179 5/8 inches
  • Location: Ohio
  • Year: 2011
  • Details: Initially thought to be a new world record, Mike Kemble’s buck grossed 186 inches. After the drying period, it netted just shy of the top spot but remains one of the most impressive 8-pointers ever harvested​ (Wide Open Spaces)​.


 Poached Minnesota Monster

  • Score: 181 inches
  • Location: Minnesota
  • Year: 2009
  • Details: This massive buck, unfortunately, was poached, and thus doesn't bear the name of a hunter. It grossed 190 5/8 inches, and its antlers are now displayed by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to emphasize the consequences of poaching​ (Wide Open Spaces)​.


    What Makes a Trophy 8-Point Buck?

    Scoring high in the Boone and Crockett Club's system, which emphasizes symmetry, an 8-point buck must exhibit not only length and mass but also balance between the antlers. Each of these bucks has been officially scored based on criteria that include measurements of the main beams, points, circumferences, and inside spread of the antlers.

    Whitetail deer scores are thrown around a lot these days, whether it's intended for a benchmark during the conversation or simply for bragging rights, and we all do it. With that said, the 200" number is becoming more and more common. However, when it comes to 8 point whitetail these types or really anything above 140" is a heck of deer and scores related to this article are truly extraordinary!


    Author: Chad Sylvester, Exodus Co-Founder/Owner