Three Simple Ways to Improve Trail Camera Pictures

Use these 3 simple tips to improve your trail camera pictures.

Cameras and photography, since the dawn of their invention, have lured people into perfecting the craft and art of taking higher quality pictures. 

As technology improved, the art of photography began to be more accessible for everyone. In many ways, trail cameras fall into the same pattern of traditional photography. 

Trail cameras, just like your favorite DSLR camera, can be optimized for various environments using the provided settings on the camera. We are going to walk through some important and easy tips to ensure you're getting the highest quality pictures from your trail cameras. 

1. All About the Angles


To take a great picture, it's important to pay attention to various angles. It might seem obvious, but having the trail camera strategically avoiding direct sunlight, weird angles, or having the camera un-level a can result in subpar pictures. Be sure to make a conscious effort to make the camera level and avoid facing the lens in a direct morning or afternoon sunlight. 

2. Adjusting Your Mega Pixels

We've covered the facts and myths of megapixels for trail cameras, but if you haven't been, be sure to head over and read it. We like to keep our Megapixels near the native setting and steer clear from interpolated images. 


3. Place The Camera Where It Can Flourish 

Simply said, some places will make for a better trail camera than others. Having a strategic background be helpful for a few reasons. The first, and the most aesthetic is the actual background of the picture. Maybe it's a nice rolling hill environment. That nice rolling hill can double as the place for the black flash to reflect and provide a higher quality night picture. 

These three simple tips will help take your trail camera pictures from good to great. As we continue to think of more tactics to improve pictures, we'll add them to this thread! 

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